Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is not a commentary on Gary Groves.

I began reading this book a couple of nights ago, so I will try make an occasional update regarding my progress. So far I'm very impressed.

It appears it's going to be a very easy read and I should be done within a few days. So far, I would recommend it to everyone.

Kiyosaki deals a lot with the different ways people view money and the stigmas that surround learning and dealing with it.

He feels he had a unique experience learning about money because he had two father figures in his life with completely different outlooks on the topic.

One father believed that money was the root of all evil. The other believed that the lack of money was the root of all evil. It would seem these are very similar statements on the surface. Kiyosaki proves otherwise.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Groves Rock Band

In typical impulsive fashion, Sharah went out yesterday and bought a drum set for our PS2 to go with the guitar and microphone. Now we have a complete rock band at our house. Sharah is on lead vocals and I might add sounds very much like Kurt Cobain, Jake is on lead guitar and has taken to smoking cigarettes while he plays. Dylan is on backup vocals. He is one of those backup singers that incorporates dance moves while he sings. He has also shown the ability to pull the plug on our gaming system. I'm assuming this happens when he is not happy with our sound. I play percussion. We have covered songs from Bon Jovi, Weezer, and many others.

Good times!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm on. This is the first time I can say I have Blogged. Feels really good. I may try it again.


We can see how this goes. If it ends up being just one more thing to try to maintain online, we can abandon it. It might be a nice place to post pictures and stay in touch.